This page lets you visualize the effects of variance due to environment and genotype on a population. You can set level of the phenotype for each possible genotype by sliding the flowers in the "phenotype" window. You can set the allele frequency for the A allele, and the level of variation due to the environment using the sliders to the right. Then click the "Create new population" button to see a population generated using these parameter values.

Interactive Heritability Explorer Help

Set the phenotype level for each genotype by sliding the flowers.
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 Select the color scheme by clicking:                        
 Use this slider to set the A allele frequency.
 Use this slider to set variation due to environment (σE2).
Push this button to create a population using these parameters.

Your browser does not have support for the canvas tag. If you are using Internet Explorer the IE9 beta that is now available does support the canvas tag. Current versions of Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari also support it.